The IPO Buzz: Doing the Turkey Time Warp

Over the past few years, the Thanksgiving holiday has brought the IPO calendar to nearly a standstill. This year, the turkey time warp looks pretty much the same. It’s a week with only four trading days. In reality, scores of Wall St pros will be out of the office from Wednesday onward, heading over the rivers and through the air to Grandma’s house or some more exotic destination.
November 23, 2014 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Nine Deals Dance into Mid-November

With the stock market pushing into new record highs and Thanksgiving Day just around the corner, this week’s IPO calendar seems to be an afterthought. Nevertheless, it boasts nine deals looking to raise over $4.1 billion. Any way you slice it, that’s not too shabby.
November 16, 2014 Read More

The IPO Buzz: IPOs Ride with the Wind

The popular stock market indexes took another victory lap around the canyons of Wall Street last week and the IPO calendar went along for the ride. Eight deals were priced in November’s first week. Another 14 are on tap for this week.
November 9, 2014 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Energy Partnerships and Paydays

Over the past several weeks, the new-issue calendar has been anchored by a limited partnership offering. A couple did well in the aftermarket, but not everyone caught lightning in a bottle. This week’s calendar has a limited partnership and people are reportedly looking favorably at this IPO.
October 26, 2014 Read More
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