The IPO Buzz: Metagenomi (MGX Proposed) Launches $100 Million IPO

It’s all in the genes. Metagenomi, Inc. (MGX Proposed), a preclinical gene editing company backed by COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna, disclosed terms for its IPO early today (Monday, Feb. 5, 2024) and launched the deal to price on Thursday night, Feb. 8, 2024. The stock is expected to trade Friday, Feb. 9, on the NASDAQ. J.P. […]

February 5, 2024 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Mexico’s BBB Foods Launches $434.8 Million IPO

Mexico’s hard discount grocery store chain BBB Foods Inc. (TBBB Proposed) set terms for its IPO today and launched the deal for pricing next week. BBB Foods’ no-frills grocery stores are in the same category as Germany’s Aldi and Lidl chains. The Mexico City-based discount grocery chain plans to offer 28.05 million Class A ordinary […]

February 2, 2024 Read More

The IPO Buzz: Fractyl Health (GUTS) Prices IPO at $15.00 Mid-Point

Fractyl Health (GUTS) priced its IPO at the $15.00 mid-point of its $14.00-to-$16.00 range – and kept the deal’s size at the 7.33 million shares  in the prospectus – to raise $109.95 million on Thursday night, Feb. 1, 2024. The metabolic therapeutics company is targeting obesity and Type 2 diabetes. The stock dropped below its […]

February 1, 2024 Read More

The IPO Buzz: CG Oncology (CGON) Scores a NASDAQ Moonshot

CG Oncology (CGON) – the first biotech IPO of the year – scored a moonshot today in its NASDAQ debut. The bladder cancer biotech doubled its $19.00 IPO price – rising to $38.00 shortly after 3 p.m. EST today (Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024). A moonshot occurs when a company doubles its IPO stock price – […]

January 25, 2024 Read More
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